Winning Touch K9 Massage
Mobile Pet Physical Rehabiliation, Arthritis, Soft Tissue therapy (laser & Massage) based on North Shore Sydney
For Vets
The Referral Process
I aim to work closely with vets in my local area and surrounds, particularly those with an interest in orthopaedics and neurology. I am also happy to travel to your practice and treat there, or spend a day or half day treatment dogs.
​Throughout the process I will communicate closely with you regarding the patients treatment and rehabilitation plan. Iff If If you would like to refer a patient for rehabilitation please complete the referral form and email to or press send email button and attach the form along with the full medical hisotry within 2 working days of the dogs initial appointment.
All cases will be referred back to their original Vet/surgeon should there be any further problems or further care is needed
The Treatment Process
On the dogs initial visit a through assessment will be performed and combined with the case history and information provided from the referral an ongoing plan will be developed.
Treatment includes soft tissue therapies such as massage, laser and TENS treatments as required. A rehabilitation exercise plan is developed so the owner can do the exercises at home.
What Patients are suitable for Referral
* Post orthopaedic surgery - cruciate (TPLO, Extracapsular surgery, TTA) Patella luxation, FHO, fracture repair
* Neurological condition - IVDD, wobblers, vestibular disease, degenerative myelopathy, trauma, lumbar sacral diseases
* Non surgical lameness - muscle & tendon injuries, poor anesthetic candidates, conservative treatment (cruciate, patella)
* Osteoarthritis & loss of condition in older dogs
* Hereditary conditions - elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia
* Maintenance & fitness for performance dogs - show, agility, flyball, working dogs as well as pet dogs
When should Treatment Commence
Dogs should commence treatment as soon as medically possible after the injury to limit pain, inflammation, joint stiffness and prevent secondary complications associated with lameness & immobilisation. Treatment is targeted towards the needs of the patient and at first may be focused on pain management and inflammation before working on stretching, flexibility in regaining normal function. At first treatments are usually on a regular basis at first
For maintenance or treatment of chronic conditions treatment occurs more on a semi regular basis depending on needs of the dogs but usually 4 to 6 weeks apart.
if you would like further information or to see if rehabilitation is suitable for your patients, please email or contact me

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