Winning Touch K9 Massage
Mobile Pet Physical Rehabiliation, Arthritis, Soft Tissue therapy (laser & Massage) based on North Shore Sydney
Accell Therapy
Cycloid Vibration Therapy
Some Conditions Treated
* Post Op Recovery
* Soft tissue injuries
* Joint moblity
* Inflammation
* After workout/performance soreness
* Hip/Elbow Dysplasia
* Stress/Anxiety
* ARthritis
* Back pain - with vet approval
Benefits are
* Increases the communication with the nerve and muscles which helps relax the muscles and reduce muscle spasms & maintain flexibility
* Increases circulation which helps and assists in the healing of sprains, muscle injuries and recovery from operations.
* It can be used immediately after surgery which helps promote the healing quicker and reduce post op trauma and inflammation.
* It can reduce recovery time
* It is a gentle therapy therefore less impact on the dogs.
* it increases joint mobility which helps the elderly dogs and dogs with arthritis or with hips dysplaysia.
* helps with torn muscles and ligament damage
* Helps improve respiratory conditions.
* Reduce lactic acid build up
* enhances performance
* Natural anti inflammatory and pain relief
It helps especially with performance dogs before and after events/competition in treatment and reduction muscle soreness, reduction in recovery times, maintains flexibility and best of all a natural anti inflammatory.
What is Accell therapy
It has a few advantages over canine massage it can be used post surgery by using straight away and not having to wait 2 weeks so helps with post operation recovery. Helps with the healing of wounds (cannot be used on open wounds), bruising and contrusions. .
Every dog is different and whilst it isn't a cure it can significantly speed up healing of injuries and provides an ongoing treatment for long term conditions and helps with recovery following workouts/competitons on performance dogs.
Treatment using the CVT device goes for 15 minutes, and if required is included in the treatment/consultation of your dog. CVT treatment only is available here at the clinic for $30 for a 15 minute session and a brief examination of your dog. This service is only available to existing clients who I have seen previously and examined their dog.